Family Law Leon Robertson Family Law Leon Robertson

The Divorce Process in Virginia

While every divorce is unique, they all have the same goal: end the marriage. Getting Started A divorce typically starts informally when the parties separate. While this may seem like the “easiest” part of a divorce, oftentimes it is the most critical part. Figuring out things such as parenting, financial responsibilities, and property division are

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Family Law Leon Robertson Family Law Leon Robertson

Complications from Marriage to a Felon or Prostitute

The sad truth is that people don’t always make wise decisions when looking for someone to marry. They ignore the advice and warnings of friends and relatives only to discover later on that their choice might not have been a wise one. This is particularly true when someone marries a person believed to be the

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Traffic Law Leon Robertson Traffic Law Leon Robertson

Virginia’s Reckless Driving Laws

Many drivers don’t realize the seriousness of Virginia’s Reckless Driving laws before being charged with one of the many code sections that prescribe Class I misdemeanor punishment to different types of driving behavior. In Virginia, Class I misdemeanors carry the possibility of up to $2500 in fines and up to twelve months in jail. Additionally

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Traffic Law Leon Robertson Traffic Law Leon Robertson

Vehicle Consent to Search – Virginia Law

The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution reads, “[t]he right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”However, when it comes

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Criminal Law Leon Robertson Criminal Law Leon Robertson

Understanding Criminal Expungement in Virginia

If you have been arrested, you may find that having a conviction on your record makes it difficult to find a job or closes doors to other opportunities. Even if you were not convicted of the crime, the mere existence of an arrest on your record can cause problems. In some cases, it is possible

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Criminal Law Leon Robertson Criminal Law Leon Robertson

Juvenile Crimes in Virginia

Virginia law generally treats juvenile defendants differently than adults, making it especially important to find an attorney with the experience and knowledge required to handle these unique cases.A skilled juvenile defense attorney is oftentimes a litigator and a counselor, who works with the family to identify any issues that may impede a child’s growth. While

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Family Law Leon Robertson Family Law Leon Robertson

Virginia Military Divorce

Hampton Roads Virginia is home to many military service members and their families. Unfortunately, many marriages, including military marriages, end in divorce. Military divorces present numerous legal issues as well as many difficult decisions that must be made in conjunction with separation and divorce. When one or both spouses are service members, there is an

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Family Law Leon Robertson Family Law Leon Robertson

Premarital Agreements in Virginia

Over the years, the average age of people getting married has changed. As a result, couples today are older and more established in their career and have more assets than in the past. Sadly many marriages fail. Although discussing and negotiating a premarital agreement may not be comfortable or romantic, it may be less awkward

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Family Law Leon Robertson Family Law Leon Robertson

Property Division in Virginia Divorces

While the vast majority of divorcing couples are able to amicably come to agreeable terms concerning division of their property, there are times when you need to rely on an attorney to guide you through the rough patches. The process of dividing property (and debts) is one of the more complex areas of divorce and […]

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Family Law Leon Robertson Family Law Leon Robertson

When Can a Virginia Child Custody Visitation Order Be Modified?

Life is dynamic, not static, and just because your life’s situation was one way when you and your significant other initially separated does not mean that it will stay that way forever. Virginia family law understands that a person’s marital status, economic situation, mental health and other life events may change over time and those

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Family Law Leon Robertson Family Law Leon Robertson

The Divorce Process in Virginia (Copy)

Divorce can be stressful on many levels and questions always linger: who gets what; where am I going to live; what about my retirement; what about our children; how am I going to pay my bills. Most people can be especially intimidated by the thought of managing money, oftentimes for the first time in their

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